Man on Mower

Operating a Lawn Mower

Mowing the lawn may seem like the simplest yardwork, but with many different types of mowers available, all with different features, it can be surprisingly challenging to mow effectively. The more you know about lawn mowers and their proper operation, the easier it will be to give your lawn a safe, smooth cut.

Types of Mowers

There is an impressive array of lawn mowers in all styles and sizes on the market today. You need to choose the best mower for your needs and your lawn, however, and to do that, it is important to understand how mowers differ.

  • Reel Mowers: Also called cylinder mowers, these are the simplest lawn mowers and have a basic rotating cylinder of blades that cut the grass as the mower is moved forward. They are quiet and require no power source other than your own muscles.
  • Push Mowers: These are mowers moved by your muscles, but the blades are powered by either a gasoline or electric engine. These are generally less expensive, but they can be more difficult to operate.
  • Self-Propelled Mowers: A self-propelled mower has a transmission and will move forward more easily, with less pushing force. You will need to steer the mower, and may be able to set different walking paces.
  • Riding Mowers: A riding mower is a larger, more powerful mower with a seat for the operator. These are great mowers for larger spaces, but can be difficult to maneuver into trickier or tighter spaces.
  • Zero-Turn Mowers: These are a type of riding mower with a narrow turning radius so they can make very tight, delicate turns. This is more effective to get around objects or navigate complicated lawns and landscaping.
  • Mulching Mowers: These mowers chop cut grass into much smaller, finer pieces so the debris will decay more quickly to spread nutrients back into the lawn and soil. Mulching mowers can be push, self-propelled, or riding.
  • Hover Mowers: These specialized mowers float on a cushion of air, and can be used in different directions, such as sweeping side-to-side. This is especially helpful in tight or difficult spaces, such as on steep slopes, or rock or water edges.
  • Robotic Mowers: Like robotic vacuums, robotic mowers operate on their own. They are quiet and efficient, but require a boundary wire to be installed to define the mowing area. They are generally electric, and are best for smaller or medium-sized lawns.

In addition to the basic type of mower, there are many features that different mowers may include. Common options to consider are:

  • Start Type – reel or manual start, push button start, or keys
  • Power Source – unpowered, gasoline, battery, or corded electric power
  • Cutting Width – overall width of the cutting area, which determines how many passes are necessary to complete a given area
  • Bagging – whether or not a bag option is available, and whether it is on the mower’s side or rear
  • Deck Adjustments – whether or not the mower can be raised or lowered to different cutting heights
  • Comfort Features – seat cushioning, handle grip, etc.

Choosing a Lawn Mower

Once you’ve considered different types of mowers and their features, you must also consider your lawn and mowing needs to choose the best mower. Different factors to note include:
  • Lawn Size – A larger lawn can be mowed faster with a larger, more powerful mower. A battery-powered mower, for example, may not have enough charge for a large lawn.
  • Grass Type – Coarser, denser grass may require a more powerful mower to cut effectively. Very fine, delicate grass, however, could be damaged by an over-powered mower.
  • Lawn Shape – A lawn with many edges, curves, and tight spaces will need a specialized mower to create an even cut in all areas.
  • Landscape Slope – Steep slopes or depressions can be challenging to mow with larger mowers, and a heavy mower can be difficult to control on hills.
  • Personal Strength – How physically capable are you of pushing a mower in your soil and grass type, for the size of your lawn and any specialized cutting needs?
  • Budget – Lawn mowers can cost as little as $50 to $5,000 or higher depending on the mower type and features. Choose the best mower that meets your needs within your budget.

Operating Your Lawn Mower Effectively

No matter which mower you choose, always read the manufacturer’s instructions and follow their guidelines closely to mow your lawn and keep your mower at peak performance. To make the most of every mow…
  • Wear appropriate protective gear, including hearing and eye protection, close-toed shoes, and suitable sunblock. A broad-brimmed hat can also be helpful.
  • Clear debris from the mowing area before beginning, including branches, rocks, or toys. This is also the time to be on the lookout for wildlife, such as snakes, baby birds, or frogs.
  • Mow your lawn when it is dry and the grass blades will be upright with less clumping. A damp lawn will not cut as efficiently.
  • Establish a mowing pattern that covers your entire lawn without overmowing or missing areas. Change patterns with each mow to avoid introducing a grain to your lawn or rutting the soil.
  • Never cut more than one-third the length of the grass to avoid stressing the blades or impeding root growth. An overcut lawn will become thin and more susceptible to weeds.
  • Keep your mower well-maintained by cleaning the undercarriage, sharpening the blades regularly, inspecting the air filter, and draining extra fuel in the off season.
Mowing your lawn can be a satisfying chore when you operate your mower most effectively and create a well-groomed, luscious lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood.